Elphi French Keller

Bienvenus au blogue de Mme Keller!

Interims for Term 4 were sent by email on May 26/27. 
End of Term 4 is June 22.

French 8:
The written and oral parts of the Final Exam are on June 15/18.
If you would rather do the oral exam in private, book an appointment time.

French 9:
The written and oral parts of the Final Exam are on June 18.
If you would rather do the oral exam in private, book an appointment time.

French 11:
The aural and written parts of the Final Exam are on June 19.
Book an appointment time for the oral part.

Spanish 11:
The aural and written parts of the Final Exam are on June 20.
Book an appointment time for the oral part.

The key to learning a second language is practice, practice and practice (even if there isn't any specific homework)!

For questions, contact me at skeller@sd46.bc.ca